unchat.cat means: a cat dot cat. Incidentally "un chat" is also "a chat" in Catalan.
The name comes to be out of the will to setup a semi-public chat service based on Matrix.
It is now evolving in to a part of the MIXETESS; a very cute project that starts taking form.
) with a web client: https://web.unchat.cat and an android app.Codenames is a great social boardgame. However in COVID-19 times, beceause of confinement and physical distancing it is difficult to play together...
Entertain yourselves playing safely in family!
Over at veu.unchat.cat there is a web client for the mumble server running under the hostname veu.unchat.cat
Stay in touch and play Codenames easily.
Refracta is a GNU/Linux Operating System, we manage its web and file distribution.
This domain is mostly managed by Evilham and the idea is that expenses and work are shared and the users are trusted.
Quick estimation: 516 CHF/year + 180 €/year (TODO: update)
Currently users support about: 96 €/year
The difference between the total expenses and the supported expenses is currently assumed by Evilham.
If you want to help money-wise, even if you are not a user, get in touch and we'll send you bank details through a secure channel. Let us know if it has to be in Euros (European Economic Area) or US Dollars (US).